Women traveling alone face challenges men do not face. As a solo female traveler in Palestine, you might worry about many factors. Some include walking the streets at night, what to wear, or how to interact with men. Many prejudices exist about the position and treatment of women in Muslim-majority countries. Palestine is a Muslim-majority country, combined with the known political and military tensions in the region may make you especially worried about coming to Palestine as a woman.

Rest assured, female volunteers are in the majority at Travel to Palestine. Without exception, they tell us they felt safe and protected in Hebron and the entirety of Palestine. To ensure you feel comfortable, here are some things to bear in mind when you are a foreign woman in Palestine, especially those traveling alone.  

Modest Dress

Palestinian women dress modestly. Most of them wear hijabs combined with dresses, long blouses, or other wider-fitting clothes covering elbow to ankle. While outfitting the way they do is not an obligation, it will make you stand out less from the crowd and prevent you from getting unwanted attention. Moreover, dressing modestly gives Palestinians the impression that you understand and respect their culture. Women at Travel to Palestine often wear long blouses or wide-fitting trousers to adhere to the statements above. In the more tourist cities such as Bethlehem, wearing a T-shirt is perfectly fine. Wearing a headscarf as a foreign woman is not mandatory unless you enter a mosque or another Muslim holy site. Many Christians, non-hijab-wearing Muslims, and ex-pat women live in the West Bank, so do not worry that you will be the only woman showing your hair. 

Mingling With Men

The way Palestinian men and women behave towards each other is different from the norms in Europe or the United States. Women usually do not shake hands or engage in any other form of physical contact with men unrelated to them. Even if a man and a woman are interested in each other romantically, they usually do not meet without a third person in the room. Therefore, the advice to foreign female volunteers would be not to engage in physical contact with unrelated men and to avoid situations in which they are alone with an unknown man. These rules are mainly to ensure a woman’s safety and feeling of comfort, so do not worry if you accidentally shake a man’s hand; Palestinians understand that the rules of conduct in other countries are different and that foreigners are still adjusting to the new sociological climate.

Moreover, as you get closer to your host family or male friends, it may be acceptable to shake hands. Still, at least initially, it is good to be reluctant to ensure you and the other person’s comfort. Intuition is your best guide in everything, so trust yourself and do what feels best.   

Street Sense

It is enjoyable to walk around the streets of Hebron as they are usually calm and beautiful. Although foreign women attract attention, mostly it is out of curiosity and enthusiasm. Comments such as “Welcome to Palestine” or “How are you?” are heard often and can result in exciting or fun interactions. Palestinians are very respectful and polite people who want to make foreigners feel welcome and at home, so don’t be shy about asking their way or making conversation. Since the rules of conduct between men and women are somewhat strict, men will not come close to you or bother you, and even if they do, others will make sure that they back off. 

At Night as a Solo Female Traveler in Palestine

Walking like a woman in the streets of Hebron is perfectly safe and comfortable. Going out late at night may, however, be less comfortable. Palestinian women rarely go out late. Most shops close at midnight, and the streets become empty after that. Moreover, if confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli soldiers occur, this is usually late at night in the Old City. So, when the shops are not open, and the streets become empty, it is time to relax at home. Your host family will appreciate you being home after a particular hour because they will feel responsible for you as if you were their daughter. 

Keep Up With The Current Affairs

Although travelers, without exception, feel safe on the West Bank, things can escalate quickly. Your (and others’) safety should avoid large protests or confrontations with the Israeli army. Instead, try to be updated on the developments around you. Ask the people around you for news developments or the viability of the travel route you plan for a particular day. 

Finding The Way

Due to the changing of borders, barricaded roads, and the closing of old and the opening of new checkpoints, Google Maps is often unreliable in Hebron or other cities. In addition, people rarely use addresses in Hebron. Instead, they use landmarks or famous buildings to signify locations. So, be sure to remember the landmarks around where you live so you can tell your taxi driver where to go. As an alternative to Google Maps, you can use Maps. Downloading maps online is recommended so that you do not need to use data or search for Wi-Fi. Remember, though, that the best guides in the West Bank are the people who live there, and they will always help you if you ask. 

Advantages of Being a Woman

Despite some things to keep in mind, being a foreign woman in Palestine also has advantages you may not have thought of before. For example, you can get more intimate with Palestinian women than a man can. You will get invites to someone’s house sooner because the house’s women will not have to cover themselves specifically for you. Or you may be asked to a Palestinian wedding, in which women and men separate from each other and women can dress up in a way they never do on the streets. As a foreign woman specifically, you can befriend both men and women quickly and traverse all aspects of daily life. 

Final Remarks on Being a Solo Female Traveler in Palestine

As a woman traveling on the West Bank, it is comfortable to dress somewhat modestly, avoid touching strange men or being alone with them, not walk alone in the streets at night, and not be shy to ask others for help in finding the way. Moreover, trust your intuition! If something does not feel right, just leave. You should only do what is best for you. Women should know that the West Bank is as big of an adventure for them as for men, and the Palestinian people will make sure that you get the most out of it. Do not hold back your curiosity; talk to people, try all kinds of food, go to different events and places, and see the beauty of the country and the warmth of the people. Come and enjoy Palestine as a female traveler! 


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